Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Crazy Eyed Puppy

Well, it seems our puppy has a lazy right eye, there is just something not quite right about it. I'm not sure if it impairs his vision at all though, and he might not even know that he's retarded. It does make it hard to keep a straight face when you are trying to scold him though, because you aren't sure which eye is the good one, and whether or not he's just staring off into space ignoring the crap out of us.

He's also an effin magician. No matter how smart we think we are about trying to keep him in his pen, he's been escaping, every. single. time. He has figured out how to climb over baby gates with ease, and also that he can push his way out of the other side. The plus side to his escaping, is that he doesn't destroy the house when he gets out. When we get home, it usually looks as if he's been sleeping, with everything all in good order, and he hasn't peed or pooped all over.


Update: the above was typed 2 days ago, here's what's gone on since then. We figured out how to keep him in the kitchen now, but it came at a hefty price. We bought another baby gate to stack on top of the original. That side was easy. The other side is barricaded with a non-working computer (I'll get to it, I swear...) and a tool box. In addition, we have the leash clipped to the fence itself, with the trail end going INSIDE the pantry, wrapped around a heavy can. Then his puppy food (sealed) blocks the pantry, so he can't get in there. That has managed to keep him inside. However, he now decides that the kitchen is his litter box when we are gone for any more than an hour (we've been gone 4 at the most, and I won't hold it against him for that one).

Now before you start wagging your fingers saying "oh but he's just a puppy, he can't hold it..." That's bullhockey. He can hold it for 6 hours at night, why not 90 minutes during the day? He knows that going outside means praise + rewards, going inside means he's getting ignored for a bit. [note- not punished.] I think he'll grow out of it as he realizes that we always come back, and he can just relax in there all day. We are also waiting for him to get his 3rd set of shots so we can start taking him outside for long walks and exhausting the crap out of him, something I look forward to.

For the Cesar Milan haterade drinkers.... Where's the love? He's just a guy trying to help people out, and doesn't seem to be hurting anything at all. It seems on his show, the dogs are usually in a last resort kinda place as it is, so maybe his methods work really well on those. He even says that they don't work for all dogs, and you should get some advice from various sources. The lady with the clicker training is annoying to watch, but I am interested in the method itself. We'll see as he gets older just -how- we're going to train him, but I am pretty sure that we'll have a well behaved pup.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stop peeing in my kitchen, fathead.

Well, 90 mins is his breaking point for peeing in the kitchen (his pen) apparently, he does it every time. Well, like 4 times in 3 days. We've been reading more into his crying, and we think it has something to do with separation anxiety... in other words, he has mommy issues.. sighhhh.

He is a big giant ball of energy lately during the day, I think it has something to do with him being restless at night still. Speaking of which, he's been blissfully quiet at night, to a fault. He sleeps in his doggy bed next to ours, on my side. I put the leash on him when I go to sleep, so I can feel him tugging when he gets up and starts moving around all crazy like. It has worked out pretty well, up until last night. I guess the least slipped off of my arm in my sleep, because Steph woke up at about 3:30 (because she is insane and was checking RTC hourly through the night for the Paige "Atwaters". ) I guess he was just gnawing on the corner of the bed on her side, so she took him out. I woke up at about 4:15 and proceded to freak the eff out, as he was no longer attached to my arm. No, I wasn't worried that he was dead, I was worried that he shat on something of ours, and that Steph would wake up and punt him. Or me. That's still about 4-5 hours he can go without peeing all over creation, which makes me think that the kitchen incidents are just to say "stop leaving me by myself, jerk".

We still watch the dog whisperer every morning while the woman is at work, and then he lays by my feet as I do the dishes or clean up around the house. If we never had to leave him, I think he'd be the perfect dog haha, he just lays around by our feet when we're here, and already knows the command sit (hand signal too!). He learned that in about two days, which is awesome. He's about 6 months away from learning how to get me a beer out of the fridge when I ask... (I think he'll even beat Steph to it... I mean, what? Bunny rabbits! Over There!) Cheese has been an inspirational motivator for him, which is awesome. Cheap for a dog treat, really.

Still trying to schedule his third round of vaccinations, so we can start taking him to places like the beach and hiking trails. I will teach him how to surf before we leave the island, true story. Guess I should teach myself first, but that's just a detail really.

And now, a list of nicknames that we have called him at some point over the past week. ( I'm not sure he'll ever learn his real name... )

Mr. Puppy
Take the effing dog, he's peeing on the carpet again! (Wait a sec, that's MY nickname...)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Battle of the whine.

I think he sees my weak and tired state today, so he wants to push me to see if I'll break. He's in his pen right now, which is basically the whole kitchen and part of the living room, not exactly a prison. He's been crying and howling now for at least half an hour, but I can't give in. He's got to learn that whining isn't acceptable in this house, especially since -I'm- not even allowed to do it. He's even trying to trick me into thinking he's asleep, which I'll wait until he actually IS to take down the puppy gate.

On the plus side, we found out that he can hold his bladder for a little over 4 hours now comfortably, which is pretty good for a dog his age. I set my alarm to go off every 2 hours during the night to take him outside, we really don't want any accidents in the bedroom. (He's had two in the living room now, both caught in the act and taken outside. He'll learn quickly, and I'm still impressed with his already learned behaviors.

Bwahahaha I just had a staring contest with him from across the room, and he started to doze off... I win.


More Likes:

His big fluffy bed
Giraffe squeak toy
Ice cubes / Popsicles

More Dislikes:

Being put on his side in submission
Me falling down the hill outside (although he might have been laughing, I couldn't tell. )
Wet stairs
Your mom
The neighbors' dog barking

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 3

It's 4:30 am, and I think I actually managed to sneak away with almost 5 hours of sleep tonight. We opted to go sans crate, and trade it for just a giant fluffy doggy bed and a leash, mostly so he could leave the mirror alone. The howling stopped completely, and he slept really well... Still waking up every 2 hours to pee, but he's a puppy. We are sitting in the living room right now, he's really restless. I'm trying to convince him that not every single thing in this house is edible, but he's not catching on very fast. He has chewed on the tv trays, the rug in the living room, my computer, and his pen.... all in the last 15 minutes. Luckily he enjoys his chew toys, so i just give him a quick "no" or "not yours" and replace it with HIS toy. It's been working.

Hopefully momma got some good sleep tonight, she needs the energy more than I do. Gonna go try to grab just one more hour, hopefully the monster lets me have it..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I see you dog.

Laying there on the floor, racked out. Don't make me kick you, I swear.... You kept me and the woman up all night, and NOW you want to sleep peacefully? I'm tempted to poke you just because, but I am enjoying the silence too much. You're lucky you're cute, you bastard.

Just for fun.....

Things Chubbs likes:
-his sheepskin toy
-laying next to the couch on the bamboo floor
-my flip flops
-the squeaky squirrel
-watching TV, especially animal planet. not joking.

Things Chubbs does NOT like:
-his crate
-sleeping at night time
-dog treats (dunno why)
-the leash (getting better though)
-being alone in any room, ever.

The Howling...

Really? I mean... I knew that there would be some whining at night, possibly a little barking... but howling? Like a warewolf that is taken in by the full moon, Chubbs was at it ALL. NIGHT. LONG. I figured he would stop at some point, because well... even I would get bored. All the dog training books say to ignore it to make it go away, but I don't think that counts on the first night. I have all day to cure his separation anxiety, unless I pass out here on the floor. I've got coffee now, 100% Kona blend, Hawiian coffee at it's finest. AND leftover Jack in the Box, t-asty.

More later!


My name is Brian, and this blog is about my dog Chubbs. I live with my wonderful girlfriend Stephanie in bright and sunny Hawaii, living a relaxed life. Well, it was relaxed... until yesterday. We had been planning on a puppy for a while now, and after a long hard search, we brought our puppy home. This, is my family.