Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stop peeing in my kitchen, fathead.

Well, 90 mins is his breaking point for peeing in the kitchen (his pen) apparently, he does it every time. Well, like 4 times in 3 days. We've been reading more into his crying, and we think it has something to do with separation anxiety... in other words, he has mommy issues.. sighhhh.

He is a big giant ball of energy lately during the day, I think it has something to do with him being restless at night still. Speaking of which, he's been blissfully quiet at night, to a fault. He sleeps in his doggy bed next to ours, on my side. I put the leash on him when I go to sleep, so I can feel him tugging when he gets up and starts moving around all crazy like. It has worked out pretty well, up until last night. I guess the least slipped off of my arm in my sleep, because Steph woke up at about 3:30 (because she is insane and was checking RTC hourly through the night for the Paige "Atwaters". ) I guess he was just gnawing on the corner of the bed on her side, so she took him out. I woke up at about 4:15 and proceded to freak the eff out, as he was no longer attached to my arm. No, I wasn't worried that he was dead, I was worried that he shat on something of ours, and that Steph would wake up and punt him. Or me. That's still about 4-5 hours he can go without peeing all over creation, which makes me think that the kitchen incidents are just to say "stop leaving me by myself, jerk".

We still watch the dog whisperer every morning while the woman is at work, and then he lays by my feet as I do the dishes or clean up around the house. If we never had to leave him, I think he'd be the perfect dog haha, he just lays around by our feet when we're here, and already knows the command sit (hand signal too!). He learned that in about two days, which is awesome. He's about 6 months away from learning how to get me a beer out of the fridge when I ask... (I think he'll even beat Steph to it... I mean, what? Bunny rabbits! Over There!) Cheese has been an inspirational motivator for him, which is awesome. Cheap for a dog treat, really.

Still trying to schedule his third round of vaccinations, so we can start taking him to places like the beach and hiking trails. I will teach him how to surf before we leave the island, true story. Guess I should teach myself first, but that's just a detail really.

And now, a list of nicknames that we have called him at some point over the past week. ( I'm not sure he'll ever learn his real name... )

Mr. Puppy
Take the effing dog, he's peeing on the carpet again! (Wait a sec, that's MY nickname...)

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